Amy Shemesh studied Visual Communication and Marketing at the University of leads, graduating back in 2005. After finishing her degree, she decided to travel all across the world. In 2006, she worked for a magazine called My Kind a Place. Her she was a Design & Account Manager. The company was later bought by Sky.  After a year, she became the Creative Designer and further on in her career, Senior Designer. She then went on to join Google in January 2013.  

She is currently working with a team under her management, with the objective of organizing the world’s information and making it universally accessible.

She spoke of her love for magic as her perception of design is that it is a form of magic itself due to its complex, and sometimes mesmerising process. She stated that designers always need to be curious and creative in order to create something unique.  Amy spoke further on what she would look for in an interviewee that she wold consider hiring is proof that they practice craft, have great storytelling skills, can multi-task, have a unique perception as well as pay attention to finer details.

Amy emphasised that whatever you create, you will never be able to please everyone. There will always be some who your work will not appeal to. According to her, design is all about perception. There is no list of rules for design, with only a few design secrets. In design, hierarchy is used a lot. Google has a design philosophy which is to ‘Never stop trying and always evolve design’.

Amy believes in challenging yourself by always pushing yourself to come up with something new and never reusing old content.

Ms Shemesh spoke of always wanting to work in the design industry, but also did not want to work for a company where clients give her specific criteria as it wouldn’t allow her to fully express herself in her designs. This made google a perfect fit for her as she was only given a very basic specification, with very loosely worded criteria’s, allowing her to take her own perspective on most tasks. For example, she was the lead on a project that nike launched, she could not go into any specifics, but she explained how her process began, and how the team was composed.

Although initially she found working at a global corporation was difficult as there are so many other employees, after a while you begin to make more sense of the structure and who to go to when you need certain assistance.